Computer Facilities Design and Installation

Normally, a computer room requires:

1. stable power supply;
2. local communication linkage between office terminals;
3. telephone terminals linked to remote terminals outside of a building;
4. stable temperature;
5. should be enclosed in a secured room where access shall be limited to authorized personnel only;
6. fire-protection system which is consistent with the Fire Code requirements and does not harm the connected computers;
7. emergency shut-down switch;
8. emergency power supply;
9. Provision of uninterrupted power supply (UPS) for the critical operating units, which shall provide the transition between the normal power and the generator.
10. adequate grounding for equipment;
11. isolation equipment to separate computer room loads from other load in case of emergency;
12. redundant power supply if the computer supply shall be required to operate 24 hours a day;
13. computer room should be fire-rated where materials for walls, ceilings and floors shall not contribute to any form of combustion; and
14. Sufficient and secured cabling duct should be provided to assure the integrity of the data communication signals.
All of these are the factors considered on the design, construction and installation of the computer room facility.

We design, construct and install computer facilities for companies. This service includes electrical, safety measures, power supply, and back up power provisions due to power interruptions.

Computer Facilities Design And Installation
Local Area Network Cabling
Data Communication Telecomm Works
Fiber Optic Termination And Testing
Fire Detection System
Telephone And PABX Cabling
Testing and commissioning

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